16 Apr 2019

Another hard day on the feet

Today we mostly planned to do the Munich Residenz and the Hofbrauhaus, but ended up doing many churches and lots of shopping (wearing down the shoes even more than yesterday).

The Residenz was as ornate as the palace we visited yesterday, although the grounds were much small (being right in the middle of the city). Beautiful marble, lots of paintings and tapestries, room after room... it got a bit overwhelming at times.

Wendy's favourite was this grand hall

Wendy had noticed that all the females and babies seemed to be unclothed yesterday, and this was the same pattern today, until a nude male appeared - ready for his photoshoot with Wendy.

Doors were either tiny, or bigger than Eric

Tired after several hours of looking at bling, off to lunch we went. We aimed straight for the Hofbrauhaus as the go to destination in Munich. Eric ordered a beer (1 litre of Hofbrau dark original) while Wendy got coke. Seemed like this was going to take a while...

Wendy actually took 2 sips...

And declared... "not bad". She then went back to her coke as the food arrived.

We sat close to the Oompah band, but they didn't play for too long

More wandering around near Marienplaz, mostly looking for several churches on our list to visit.

Lots of stained c=glass caught Eric's eye.

Beautiful church lighting
We plan to do several museums tomorrow then head to Dachau concentration camp on Thursday after renting a car.

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