
As you might have guessed from some of the pages on this site, I am an academic who is proud to be called a geek! I have a wide variety of interests and hobbies (too many, perhaps?). In addition to Stained Glass, Photography, Cooking, Aviation, and Genealogy, I like to travel, hike, read, and putter around the house. Some of these hobbies had been on the back burner while I completed my Ph.D. and as I struggle with the slow development of rheumatoid arthritis. I am now slowly getting back into them.

By clicking on the page links or reading below, you can learn more about some of the things that I like to do.

I used to fly, but can't any more...

One of the most fun things that I (used to) do is fly.  I did flight training at Spectrum Airways in Burlington after I finished my Ph.D. but had to stop flying due to medical reasons.  I have a page dedicated to aviation related things (which I always tried to combine with my photography hobby).

One of my other passions is tracking down my family tree.  I have somehow become the family historian, my family tree on this blog, and it is just a sampling of the thousands of names that I have in my database. With the recent explosion of genealogical information being available on the internet, it is getting easier every day to find obscure pieces of information about my family.

Yet another of my hobbies is photography.  I have been taking photos since I got my first film camera in the early 1980's, but switched over to digital within the last 15 years. I currently use a Nikon D5200 for most of my photos, although I used a Nikon D80 for a number of years after switching from film. Check out my Photography page to see some of my work. I also seem to have developed quite a collection of cameras, and plan to have these show up on the photograph page as well.

At Vimy, June 2015

At the Pasteur Institute in Paris, June 2015

Paris Airshow, June 2015

At Work

My academic background is as varied as my hobbies. I have a Bachelor of Science (Botany/Zoology) and a Bachelor of Arts (First Class Honours) in Physiological Psychology from the University of Manitoba. Subsequently, I earned a Master of Science (Psychology / Electrophysiology) from McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario (where I met Wendy). In September 2009, I completed my Ph.D. in the Medical Sciences Graduate Program at McMaster University's Faculty of Health Sciences (in Physiology and Pharmacology).

I am now working as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Anesthesia, teaching full time in the Honours Health Sciences program at McMaster University.  

Although I no longer work in a lab, if you are really interested in what I have done over the years, click on the link below to see my Web of Knowledge Researcher ID and publication list (

Dr. Eric Seidlitz, Assistant Professor (2017)

My main YouTube channel is:

My other YouTube channel is called Seitech and is more of an academic how to channel: 

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