12 Apr 2013

No more basketball

It had never fallen over before...
There was this big wind and rain storm that hit our area last night - we were prepared and put everything away that we could.  All was fine until late in the evening when we hear a huge crash out at the front of our house.

This is what we found.

It took both Adam and I to remove the basketball net from my car but were surprised that the ONLY thing that got damaged was the windshield!  There was already a stone chip from the week after I bought the car (repaired, but always irritatingly visible), so I latched onto the bright side of the situation in that I would likely have to get a new windshield.

Perfect aim

In the morning, we checked it out more closely.  No question, a new windshield was needed. We did find one tiny area of paint on the edge of the hood that needed a touch up (~3 mm long paint chip), but that was the extent of the damage.
Yes, I think it is broken.

Will be selling the basketball net in the near future...

9 Apr 2013


Finally!  After a long and drawn out process, the lab I was working in at the Juravinski Cancer Centre has now moved down to the main campus at McMaster. I now work in the same hospital building as Wendy!

If you want to check it out, the lab website that I manage is singhlab.ca.

The best part of the move (aside from the more exciting academic environment) is that Wendy and I can now commute to work together.  Instead of the 25 minute drive up the mountain, Wendy and I have a WHOLE 6 minute commute to work! I am also now unable to get away with not bringing my lunch to work. :(